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Coaster Furniture Sora Fabric Ottoman 910290

Coaster FurnitureSKU: Sora 910290 Upholstered Round Ottoman - Pink
Put finishing touches on a chic decor with a modern glam ottoman. Its hourglass silhouette is playful and elegant, with... Put finishing touches on a chic decor with a modern glam ottoman. Its hourglass silhouette is playful and elegant, with a wide band highlighting in a bright gold finish. The round ottoman is a compact addition, offering a perfect spot to prop your feet. It easily serves as an extra seat when entertaining, and can even serve a spot to stash a book or your phone. The ottoman features velvety soft upholstery in a chic color, with vertical piping that adds character and dimensionality. View more

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Additional Information
• Glam style infuses a modern ottoman to create an accent piece that stands out
• Velvety soft upholstery with vertical ribbing adds a pop of color to your living area or bedroom
• Hourglass silhouette is delicate and glamorous without overwhelming
• Ottoman is cinched with a wide gold finish metal band, highlighting is profile
• Easily functions as a footrest, seat, or makeshift table

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