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Coaster Furniture Rilynn 509524-S2 2 pc Living Room Set

Coaster FurnitureSKU: Coaster Furniture Rilynn 509524-S2 2 pc Living Room Set
Welcome to the pinnacle of modern design with our sofa collection, where elegance meets innovation in a "frame within a... Welcome to the pinnacle of modern design with our sofa collection, where elegance meets innovation in a "frame within a frame" concept. This series, draped in a chic fabric, showcases an exquisite blend of clean lines accentuated by detailed topstitching. The track arms, enhanced with mitered front accents, further amplify its contemporary aesthetic. Prioritizing your relaxation, these sofas come equipped with reversible back cushions and a pocket coil seat construction, guaranteeing both coziness and lasting support. Elevating the design even further are the tall, black cylinder-shaped wooden legs, adding a touch of sophistication. This collection is not just about seating; it's an embodiment of style and comfort, curated for the modern home. View more

Number of Pieces
2 pc
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